The comic series, Stabbity Bunny, focuses of Grace Lee, a seven-year-old girl destined for incredible things, and Stabbity Bunny, a plush rabbit that has been passed down within the family for nearly 100 years. They live in Holiday, Vermont, a peaceful town filled with quirky, but amazingly good, people.
Almost immediately, in issue one, we find our heroes in peril, and as the story progresses, it quickly turns from dangerous to deadly. We glimpse clues that the Lee family has startling secrets, and Stabbity may be much more than he seems.
An evil scheme that has been underway for hundreds of years is moving into its final stages. Grace is targeted, and it will take all her bravery, kindness and smarts to survive. Fortunately, she has Stabbity and a host of unlikely heroes who will set aside their hedge clippers and cookbooks to prove everyday people still matter, even in a modern world filled with impossible choices.